Tuesday 22 January 2013

Unit 33 - Lens-Based Image Making Art and Design

Within this unit I explored a lens-based image making process, eventually selecting three pairs containing a contrast within each pair.

(Height: 70cm, Matte finished PP Paper)

This is the first within my photographic series and contrasts with the photo below. This exposure was captured at an ISO of 800, as the location did not have sufficient sunlight. A shutter speed of 1/200, fast enough to prevent motion blur but allow the image to be brighter. Lastly the aperture was set to f/3.5, allowing a larger depth of field. These settings were chosen due to the location and as the main focus of this image was the subject rather than the composition.

(Height: 70cm, Matte finished PP Paper)

Like the image before, this focuses on the subject rather than the composition. This exposure was captured at an ISO of 400, as it was at a brighter location. A shutter speed of 1/160 as it was a cloudy day and I needed a larger intake of light. Lastly the aperture was set to f/5.6 allowing the subject to be in focus.

(Height: 70cm, Matte finished PP Paper)

This photograph contrasts with the image below and focuses just as much on composition as the people. This exposure was set to an ISO of 400 as the subjects were down an alley, thus reducing the amount of sunlight. A shutter speed of 1/160 to allow a larger intake of light, as the subjects were not moving, so no motion blur occurred. Lastly the aperture was set to f/5.0 allowing a large enough depth of field to contain the subjects within. I cropped this image to cut out a bright orange bin diverting attention from the focus of the image; and tightening the overall composition, framing the wall and people on opposite thirds.

(Height: 70cm, Matte finished PP Paper)

This exposure again focuses on the subject and the composition. This exposure was set to an ISO of 200, as this was taken during a brighter day and location. A shutter speed of 1/160, allowing an intake of light. Lastly an aperture of f/4.5 as I wanted a larger depth of field. This is my most successful capture within this series, as the subject compliments the composition. I tried to show the unseen side of Hong Kong, through the market. This older side of Hong Kong is highlighted through the old lady, who makes direct contact with the audience. The composition ascends into the distance, with the market in the background. Using Photoshop I altered the image to be a black and white image, to create a sense of age, which is reflected by the old lady in the foreground.

(Width: 70cm, Matte finished PP Paper)

This exposure contrasts with the bottom photo. This exposure has an ISO of 200 as it was an open area, on a bright day. It had a shutter speed of 1/160 to allow a sufficient amount of sunlight to enter the lens. Lastly I used a wide aperture of f/4.5, so that I could have everything in focus. I cropped this image to remove a railing in the foreground. I like this image as it captures an interesting structured subject.

My last exposure had an ISO of 400, as it was down an alley with a limited amount of light. The shutter speed was set to 1/100 to allow more light into the lens. Lastly I used an aperture of f/4.5 for a deep field of focus. I cropped this image to rid it of a window, which contained a harsh reflection. I then made some alterations in Photoshop, making it black and white and brightening the doorway, exposing the man within.

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