Wednesday 23 January 2013

Unit 41 - Words and Image in Graphic Design (Ongoing)

 The specification of this unit was to look at text in graphic design. I aimed to create a visual poem as my final outcome. I would do this by first researching the fundamentals of graphic design through well chosen examples and then responding to these examples myself, proving that I understand the basics of graphic design.

I presented this unit digitally to showcase my knowledge and understand in graphic design. This page looks at my responses to various successful examples that I researched, so that I could base my responses on the strengths of each example; therefore providing me with a stronger understanding of graphic art.

This response is based on the Constructivist Movement. I utilised Constructivism's dynamic angles and strong structured alignment. Then using Adobe Photoshop, overlaid a photograph that I had captured underneath the original design to provide a grungy texture; similar to an influence I researched, David Carson.

This page presents an experiment that I undertook and highlights the development from the initial collage to my final outcome.

This is my final outcome from my experiment. This piece initially began as a simple collage created from nine words cut out from a newspaper. I decided to construct an extremely structured and linear alignment only using horizontal and vertical lines. I then scanned this collage and overlaid a primary source photograph underneath it in Adobe Photoshop. I then played around with the overlay settings, created more layers of text by cropping sections of my collage and also adjusted exposure settings.

This page illustrates some of the primary source material that I gathered for this unit.

In this ongoing project I created additional experiments responding to more graphic design artists, such as Gert Dumbar and David Carson. I explored the use of repetition to create a texture.

This is another experiment influenced by the work of David Carson. To create this piece I again used repetition to create a texture, but also used brush in Adobe Photoshop to add extra texture.

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